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I’m not the most health-conscious person nor am I a germaphobe. You can’t really be like that when you have lived in Maine running through the woods. I’ve lived in barracks with 50 other dudes. I’ve lived in a foreign country with people burning trash and human waste all day, every day. All that I was fine with, I do have my limits though.

Recently my family and I were visiting Disneyland. Before we got to the line for the metal detectors my daughter told us she really had to go pee. I didn’t have bags to check. So I could just empty my pockets, and with her run through and go to the bathroom. So I make it through the detectors and ran with my daughter to the men’s room. I got in the short line for the stalls and in front of us stood a father and young teen son. The dad goes in first does his business and a few minutes later his son goes in. The same thing does his business and comes out a few minutes later. Now it’s my daughters’ turn. We rush in and she is locked up & doubled over trying not to pee herself. Why you ask because I have to wipe the toilet seat that is cover in urine.

“I have to wipe the toilet seat that is cover in urine.”

This irritated me for a couple of reasons. For one, come on guys is it that difficult to wipe down a toilet seat. Plus, you go to a toilet to take a piss when there are urinals. Really? That’s just inconsiderate for everyone involved. Secondly and most importantly, they BOTH saw that a girl was going in after them… A little consideration for the opposite sex wouldn’t be that hard. I seldom agree with stereotypes but in this circumstance I agree, men are pigs.

That is most definitely not how I was raised. As you may have read in my previous post I was raised by a single mom. So I know roughly what is appropriate when it comes to bathroom hygiene and cleanliness. To be clear, pissing all over the toilet seat is a huge no-go. Besides how the hell is your aim that bad. I must be a crack shot in the can. Because I can go at night without even turning the lights on and still hit it dead center. 

I must be a crack shot in the can. Because I can go at night without even turning the lights on and still hit it dead center.“

So listen up men, as a husband and a father to a daughter, I have an inside look at how we as men can improve on bathroom etiquette. As a favor I ask all men, should you accidentally piss on the toilet seat… Clean it up!!! It seriously takes half a second and you have to wash your hands anyways. Better yet lift the seat, use your foot if you must I don’t care.

I never really thought about it as I almost always use urinals. However since potty training my daughter I can’t recall how many times I have had to hastily wipe off a wet toilet seat while my daughter is doing her pee-pee dance. What is worse is there have been some times that in that few seconds is the make it or figure out a change of clothes because she didn’t make it.

I now understand why they have separate bathrooms in public spaces. Not that women are much better from what I’ve been told by janitors. But I’m sure a lady going in after you in a gender-neutral bathroom will appreciate a dry seat. Not only will I now forever lift the seat or wipe it dry, and I will be teaching my son to do the same.

Teach your young man from the beginning good bathroom etiquette. A few things I’ve learned from 18 years with my wife are as follows. Of course, wipe the seat, put the seat and lid down, spray if you stink, wipe your shaving stubble from the sink, wipe the counter down if you get it wet, hang the hand towel when done wiping your hands, hang your bath towel when done with it. Not only will your spouse appreciate the respect from you both (aka bonus points) it’ll be one less thing your sons’ future spouse will have to nag him about. So if you can’t help but piss on the seat, please, first, flip it up with your feet. 

“So if you can’t help but piss on the seat, please, first, flip it up with your feet.”

One last request, not a huge one and you don’t even have to do it every single time, but if you see a little girl in line with her parent for the potty please realize that kids have much less control and understanding of their need to pee. So when they are in line they most likely have to go like you after a 14hr car ride with no stops. If you wouldn’t mind let the little one go ahead of you. they only take 2 minutes, maybe 5 for a poop. Like I said not every time, hey if you are on the verge of crapping your pants, please go ahead, I get it.

How about it men since having children what is one of those things that you come across as an annoyance that you never paid any attention to prior to having kids?

About Author

I’m a parenting blogger that wanted a site to for all parents to go to find all things parenting, what to do before they arrive, and after. All while keeping our marriage as strong as it was before being a parent. My hope is that I can bring this and more to all of you.

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