Family Time Capsule
This one is great to give and something the whole family can participate in. The kids can add artwork or write in it. Dads use it to write down your famous recipes. Recipes your kids will want when they are grown up and want to relive a taste of home with their kids. Put in it something the kids did, or something funny they said. A toy from when they where a baby. Add something your wife made. Find old love letters to your wife, like the ones you wrote in high school. Just make sure they are ones you wrote to her and not an ex… Who am I kidding us men know to burn all existence of past relationships. If you’re wondering who writes love notes? The wife and I are high school sweethearts and also wrote when I was in the military. The wife can add her recipes, pictures, and letters to you. Make sure to date and write who did it.

It’s a time capsule of the life you share and something that can be passed down. Every generation can keep adding to it. This resonates with me because I have very little memories of my grandparents. I didn’t get my nans fudge recipe, or her pasta sauce recipe. I have nothing from my dads side to show and pass down. No family photos. To add to it I have almost no memories prior to the age of 12. Additionally, we live 3000 miles away from our families so my kids haven’t seen much of either side of the family. I don’t write all of this to bring the party down, or as a pity me story, but as an example on how life can be unpredictable. Something like this will be great to look back on for you and your loved ones. Think of it as a way for you to always be there.
Once I do mine for my family i’ll be sure to share. What cool ways do you see as a way to store this? As a trunk, book, box, you could go digital (though I prefer something you can touch), or a mutation of a few things? Let me know in the comments.